0532 - 2584122/2584021, Extn: 7856 afsmanauri@gmail.com

Executive Director's Message

A school is a miniature world where one receives education for life. It is a place where effective, meaningful and joyful learning takes place.

Education is a never ending process. It is a continuous journey, not a destination. Air Force School Manauri nurtures young saplings with love and care so that the innocent minds can become achievers in later years. Air Force School Manauri works constantly to provide the atmosphere that makes learning as an enjoyable experience for learners.

The school is committed to creating an empowering holistic environment in which students mature intellectually, ethically and physically. We are defined by an energized, attentive, and diverse faculty who value the individual and work to help these young adolescents achieve their highest potential. One of our goals is to build our student's self-confidence so that they can thrive in an ever changing global world through hard work and critical thinking.

Best Wishes for the life ahead!